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SPOTLIGHT's Film Curation Archives

Spotlight: Farm Life

This week, we’re spotlighting a range of documentaries and narrative films set on farms large and small. While some farms are backdrops for family-driven dramas, others become arenas of local resistance against environmental destruction, industrialization, patriarchy, and more.

SEE ALL: Farm Life

Spotlight: World Press Freedom Day

In a world increasingly shaped by fake news, celebrating the dogged search for truth is more important than ever. This week we’re spotlighting films that show the role of the Fourth Estate in holding the powerful accountable, and the important work of journalists around the world.

SEE ALL: World Press Freedom Day

Spotlight: Silent Film

Filmmakers in the silent era pioneered influential techniques and crafted unique, moving stories. In this Spotlight, we look at some of the best silent era films from various countries and movements, as well as a couple modern silent films that pay tribute to that era.

SEE ALL: Silent Film

Spotlight: New Mexican Cinema

In this spotlight, we're highlighting the New Mexican Cinema movement, also known as Nuevo Cine Mexicano, that began in the 1990s and resulted in renewed critical success for Mexican films that depicted and investigated issues of sex, politics, drugs, violence, and other issues affecting the country.

SEE ALL: New Mexican Cinema

Spotlight: Hard Core: Punk Rock on Film

This week, we’re spotlighting kick-ass films that showcase the rebellious spirit of punk rock music. Whether a conduit for self-discovery or a platform for political protest, this music unites people of all backgrounds through its exhilarating focus on freedom and cultural subversion.

SEE ALL: Hard Core: Punk Rock on Film

Spotlight: Slow Cinema

In this Spotlight, we’re exploring Slow Cinema, a globe-spanning canon of art house films from a diverse group of filmmakers whose works prioritize long takes, naturalistic sound design, minimal dialogue, and an invitation to introspection.

SEE ALL: Slow Cinema

Spotlight: Palm Springs International Film Festival Microsite!

Introducing the Palm Springs International Film Festival Microsite on Telescope! Featuring the Academy Award submissions for Best International Feature that have been programmed in the festival over the past five years. This week we present a few of our favorites, but click here for many more.

SEE ALL: Palm Springs International Film Festival Microsite!

Spotlight: Ukraine

This week we present films from and about Ukraine including documentaries and narrative features about key moments in the nation’s recent past and in its relationship to Russia. Servant of the People is a series created by and starring the country’s current president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, a former comedian.

SEE ALL: Ukraine

Spotlight: International Women Filmmakers Day

In celebration of International Women's Day, we're going to inaugurate International Women Filmmakers' Day here at Telescope: an opportunity to highlight some of our favorite films by women from the past year.

SEE ALL: International Women Filmmakers Day