Screen International by Allan Hunter
The ingredients of an old-fashioned romantic weepie are given class and conviction by director Nicole Garcia whose elegant restraint helps to ground the more fanciful elements in some sense of reality. Her approach also makes the eleventh hour revelations easier to swallow.
The Globe and Mail (Toronto) by Brad Wheeler
Still, the thing is almost watchable until a ridiculous reveal spoils whatever chances this film had at succeeding.
Slant Magazine by Chuck Bowen
The film is so humorless and in love with its own obviousness that it grows laughable.
The Hollywood Reporter by Deborah Young
Cotillard’s performance is luminous throughout, enriching the willful heroine with the depth of a single obsession.
Time Out London by Geoff Andrew
The result, despite an uncertain start, is in the end a surprisingly intriguing and affecting movie.
The Guardian by Henry Barnes
The film takes on Gabrielle’s listlessness, slumps into an opiated fug. The malady is mysterious and not easily treatable. It just exhausts you. It transforms from a story about release to just another jail. At times it felt like there was no escape.
Variety by Jessica Kiang
Of course, Cotillard is your first call if you want an actress to suffer exquisitely, but the issue is her character Gabrielle is essentially a nightmare of self-involvement, whose emotional torture is very difficult to get invested in since she herself has already bought all the shares.
The Playlist by Nikola Grozdanovic
Your time would be better spent staring at a postcard for two hours. No, not even the presence of the usually magnetic Marion Cotillard will stave off the boredom of Garcia and Jacques Fieschi‘s screenplay.
The Telegraph by Robbie Collin
From the Land of the Moon is a story about how good it feels to feel very, very bad – and how a life lived in rapturous misery is somehow more valuable than mild domestic contentment. That might ring truer if Garcia wasn’t working in such a starchy register.
The Film Stage by Rory O'Connor
It is a weepy Sunday matinee melodrama of the most run-of-the-mill variety, full of pretty people in pretty clothes feeling Big Emotions.