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The Preppie Connection

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Puerto Rico, United States · 2016
Rated R · 1h 50m
Director Joseph Castelo
Starring Thomas Mann, Lucy Fry, Logan Huffman, Amy Hargreaves
Genre Drama, Crime

A student at a private school uses his connections to establish a drug trafficking network.

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What are critics saying?


Village Voice by Abby Garnett

Toby's eventual comeuppance feels as preordained and empty as the preppie/townie dichotomy regurgitated here from so many outdated teen-media artifacts.


The Seattle Times by John Hartl

The script’s first half is vigorous enough.... But the movie needs the audacity of a “Trainspotting” to lift it above the norm.


New York Post by Kyle Smith

Toby is so un-self-aware that his journey seems like mere obtuseness; what the film has to say about youthful degeneracy is less than zero.


Arizona Republic by Randy Cordova

Ultimately, the film is never boring, but it's never involving, either. At the end, what you're left with is a modestly entertaining film that doesn't seem to have an original thought in its head. In that way, it's a lot like the characters it spotlights.

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