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Profile page for Audrey Vinkenes on Telescope Film

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Audrey Vinkenes


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An excellent look at the Norwegian high school experience. Funny, thought provoking, and endlessly entertaining, SKAM is a classic in the Nordic countries for a reason. Director Julie Andem did a great job consulting high schoolers, and reacting in real time to fan comments, to create an incredibly realistic depiction of what it's like to be a teenager.
Lisa Langseth's Love and Anarchy is funny and romantic, while managing to critique contemporary Swedish culture, and the state of the publishing industry.
The Girls is an under appreciated masterpiece, featuring beautiful cinematography, and discussing issues as relevant now as then.
A beautiful look at war and memory with excellent cinematography.
An amazing look at the history of Helsinki, that will resonate with anyone who knows the city well. The footage of winter throughout time is particularly engaging, as is the depiction of city changes.
While the imagery is absolutely beautiful, the film struggles with pacing, and the story is somewhat tedious, although the book suffers from the same problem. Nonetheless, the film is certainly worth viewing for the imagery alone.