The New York Times by Ben Kenigsberg
The Meaning of Hitler takes a multifaceted, often counterintuitive approach to examining the underpinnings of fascism.
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United States · 2021
1h 32m
Director Petra Epperlein, Michael Tucker
Starring Adolf Hitler, Martin Amis, Yehuda Bauer, Saul Friedländer
Genre Documentary
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This documentary, based on the book of the same name, examines the lasting cultural interest in Hitler. Retracing Hitler's rise to power and featuring interviews with historians and scholars, the film provides insight into the resurgence of white supremacy, antisemitism, and the weaponization of history.
The New York Times by Ben Kenigsberg
The Meaning of Hitler takes a multifaceted, often counterintuitive approach to examining the underpinnings of fascism.
Slant Magazine by Diego Semerene
Though uneven, the film is clever about avoiding age-old conundrums regarding the disavowal of the language of horror.
The Meaning of Hitler doesn’t have to make sense of this decade’s chaos to clarify just how much it remains vulnerable to the same complaisant attitudes exploited by the German leader decades ago. The movie isn’t just another cautionary tale; it’s a jagged intellectual wakeup call that cuts deep, and America can’t hear it enough.
Wall Street Journal by John Anderson
This ambitious and mutedly angry film also assumes an ironic tone in examining the Hitler phenomenon from angles political, sociological, psychological and, very intriguingly, cinematic.
We go into The Meaning of Hitler craving that millimeter of insight, of intrigue and revelation. And the film provides it. It ruminates on Hitler and the Third Reich in ways that churn up your platitudes.
If you see just one “Hitler” film this year, make it this one. by Roxana Hadadi
The Meaning of Hitler never quite reconciles its central concern of whether continuing to talk about Hitler is an inherently compromised pursuit, and that uneasiness feels like an unintentional capitulation for an otherwise well-intentioned project.
The Hollywood Reporter by Sheri Linden
An intellectual inquiry with burning present-day resonance, The Meaning of Hitler is also a road trip through some of the darkest chapters of European history.
One Woman Alone With Five Lusty Men.