Fatal Assistance is a powerful indictment of the aid process, though Peck lets Haitian politicos off too lightly, and the voiceovers would be better on paper.
We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.
What are people saying?
What are critics saying?
Village Voice by Daphne Howland
Peck's documentary is not a penetrating look at at Haiti's post-quake problems, but a scattered, impressionistic one.
The Hollywood Reporter by Deborah Young
Fatal Assistance is a chilling indictment of how billions of dollars in aid were squandered or lost, and how aid and politics are inextricably linked.
The New York Times by Manohla Dargis
A potent, persuasive and quietly furious documentary.
Fatal Assistance has few answers, and adds little clarity.