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Under Fire: Journalists in Combat

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Canada · 2011

Director Martyn Burke
Genre Documentary

In times of war, journalism is a crucial but traumatic — and even lethal — endeavor. This documentary focuses on the brave journalists responsible for reporting on battlefields. It includes personal accounts alongside combat footage to shine light on the impact of covering war on the psyches of those involved.

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Variety by Justin Chang

Viewers unconvinced by the "war is a drug" doctrine set forth by Kathryn Bigelow's "The Hurt Locker" will find it amply corroborated by the self-admitted adrenaline junkies here, whose collective war-reporting experience spans an astounding number of overseas conflicts from Sarajevo and Chechnya to El Salvador and Libya.


Christian Science Monitor by Peter Rainer

The sometimes agonizingly powerful documentary Under Fire: Journalists in Combat is built around some staggering statistics: Only two journalists were killed in World War I. Sixty-three lost their lives in World War II. And in the past two decades, almost one journalist per week has been killed.


Boxoffice Magazine by Sara Maria Vizcarrondo

This is one of the super rare docs that packs an unbelievable punch despite its misguided aesthetics. It's a strange triumph of content over form, which is the province of journalists to report.

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