The film is a witless, tedious contrivance based on the life of the Canadian rower Ned Hanlan, who lived a century ago.
We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.
What are people saying?
What are critics saying?
The Globe and Mail (Toronto) by Jay Scott
The insult begins with casting Cage, a patently American actor who makes no effort to Canadianize himself, as a Canadian legend: the role could have made a Canadian a star. It continues with races so sloppily edited the relative positions of the skiffs change dramatically during two-second reaction shots. [17 Jan 1986, p.C1]
Los Angeles Times by Michael Wilmington
Somehow The Boy in Blue, amiable enough, always feels like an "afternoon" movie -- a throwaway, not good enough to plan an evening around. [03 May 1986, p.9]