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Whiz Kids

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United States · 2010

Director Tom Shepard

Whiz Kids is a coming-of-age story that follows three high school seniors from diverse backgrounds as they prepare for the nation's most prestigious science competition. These passionate, highly ambitious students embark on an unpredictable journey of discovery where they must overcome scientific and personal challenges in order to fulfill their dreams. Forging their path as the next generation of scientists, the teens learn as much about themselves as they do about science.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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What are critics saying?


New York Daily News by

Can't get the kids in your life to pay enough attention to homework? Show them Tom Shepard's terrific documentary, and you might just light a fire.


Village Voice by Ella Taylor

This quietly absorbing film is finally more about character formation--curiosity, persistence, endurance--than about achievement as a means to some extrinsic social end.


Los Angeles Times by Gary Goldstein

It's the candid moments of joy and accomplishment -- Welcker finding out she's an Intel contest finalist, Khan learning he's been accepted to Yale, high school valedictorian Cisneros thanking her devoted parents in her graduation speech -- that really make this one soar.


Time Out by Joshua Rothkopf

So even though the science fair was something your other classmates did while you mastered Pitfall!, the sights in Whiz Kids will no doubt stir you.


San Francisco Chronicle by Mick LaSalle

Though the film seems less like a theatrical release and more like something that might play on an obscure PBS station at 2 p.m. on a Sunday afternoon, it's reasonably interesting as a personality study.


Variety by Ronnie Scheib

Nominally structured around the Intel Science Talent Search, Whiz Kids traces a dual process: the empowerment of economically challenged students who otherwise might not realize their potential, and the empowerment of the nation through the problem-solving efforts of its best and brightest.


Boxoffice Magazine by Tim Cogshell

It is America's oldest and most prestigious high school science competition. Over two thousand students begin each year vying for slots; 40 are chosen as finalist. For high school science and math geeks this is a big deal.