Maybe this is a mood more than a movie, but it is a haunting one.
We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.
What are people saying?
What are critics saying?
this compassionate film is as much about its very specific Cambodian setting as it is the characters, with the film’s standout star its neon-pastel location work.
The Hollywood Reporter by Jordan Mintzer
As much as the helmer’s aesthetic is impressive, the laconic pacing and somewhat flat performances can be a bit of a drag, as is a script that heads to familiar places and takes a while to do so.
The New York Times by Ken Jaworowski
As with a dream, you can parse what you’ve watched for meaning or just savor what you’ve seen. For this compassionate film, either way works fine.
Slant Magazine by Kenji Fujishima
The filmmaker brings enough original aesthetic touches to the table, as well as a fresh cultural perspective to the broader socioeconomic issues he broaches, that Diamond Island rarely feels derivative.