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Killing Them Safely

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Canada, United States · 2015
1h 40m
Director Nick Berardini
Genre Documentary

Pitched as a safe alternative to handguns, two brothers found their golden goose in the taser, which was used to revolutionize policing in the early 2000s. As the company grew, so did people's skepticism, but public safety was the least of their worries.

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New York Daily News by

This feels like a documentary about legal cases against TASER, not a documentary on the Taser.


Village Voice by Daphne Howland

Footage of the now-wealthy Smiths being deposed is damning, the brothers' legal jiujitsu is appalling, and the stories of deaths are heartbreaking.


The Hollywood Reporter by John DeFore

If Berardini isn't very generous to the company's execs, shortchanging what is likely a genuine belief that they're doing good while making a ton of money, he does spend time with officers who, for a time, embraced the Taser eagerly.

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