Entertainment Weekly by Adam Markovitz
There isn't a shred of subtlety in their clowning - or in any part of the movie, which clumsily shoots for operatic highs and lows. But with so many borrowed bits and pieces, the only feeling it successfully evokes is déjà vu.
Variety by Joe Leydon
A visually inspired multi-genre amalgamation, a borderline-surreal folly that suggests a martial-arts action-adventure co-directed by Sergio Leone and Federico Fellini.
Time Out by Keith Uhlich
Someone surely thought to call this knowingly ridiculous genre mash-up "Cowboys vs. Ninjas," though even that title wouldn't hint at all the you-gotta-be-kidding-me craziness on display.
The Hollywood Reporter by Kirk Honeycutt
One ticket buys you cowboys, samurais, gangsters, ninjas, spaghetti Westerns, Hong Kong martial artists, knife throwers and even Fellini-esque circus performers. But like kimchi pasta, some things aren't meant to mix.
Austin Chronicle by Marc Savlov
Drained of much of its presumed power by a distinct "been there, seen that" vibe.
Movieline by Michelle Orange
The result is way out there - so far that you won't quite recognize the terrain, and still feel strangely at home. The look has the impossible feel of a CGI soundstage: Not cheap, not even necessarily fake, just… weird.
The New York Times by Mike Hale
The sometimes impressive visual effects make these battles entertaining, in a mindless way, but it's impossible to work up any feeling about them. The only thing supplying that is the occasional laugh, pout or gurgle by Ms. Rudd.
Los Angeles Times by Robert Abele
South Korean filmmaker Sngmoo Lee's debut feature is less a genre-spanning romp than a tiresome lab experiment in computer-generated tropes and green-screen oppressiveness.
Orlando Sentinel by Roger Moore
A genre mash-up that never quite achieves "So very bad it's good" status.
Boxoffice Magazine by Steve Ramos
Genre movies like The Warrior's Way are all about pleasing core fan boys. While the film claims dazzling visuals, Lee fails to deliver the type of never-before-seen martial arts fights fans demand.