Your Company

Dream Lover(一千零一夜之夢中人)

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Hong Kong · 1995
1h 31m
Director Bosco Lam Chi-Ho
Starring Tony Leung Ka-Fai, Wu Chien-Lien, Natalis Chan, Law Kar-Ying

Popular Hong Kong actress Sharla Cheung actually produced two versions of this romantic seriocomedy -- starring in the second one, Romantic Dream -- and they both played theaters in the same month. Jacklyn Wu stars as Kitty, a beautiful and wealthy woman who becomes the ideal love of Cheung Kar-shing (Tony Leung), an inventor who participates in illegal road races in his spare time. Their relationship blossoms into romance, but when Kitty's father goes into hiding and leaves behind over ten million dollars in unpaid debt, she leaves Hong Kong without telling Cheung where she's going. Shortly thereafter, Cheung strikes it rich when he is paid ten million dollars by a Japanese computer firm for a chip he has invented, but money does little to relieve his aching despair in Kitty's absence.

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