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A Silent Love

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Canada (Quebec), Mexico · 2004
1h 40m
Director Federico Hidalgo
Starring Susana Salazar, Maka Kotto, Vanessa Bauche, Noël Burton
Genre Comedy, Drama, Romance

Through an Internet service, a Montreal professor arranges for himself a Mexican bride. But both husband and wife, even with their good intentions, are in for a bumpy ride toward marital harmony.

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Village Voice by

The movie can't resist putting its key points in italics, but it maintains a refreshingly unsentimental trajectory.


Variety by Scott Foundas

Largely plays down the ethnic stereotyping to deliver a carefully observed, fundamentally human roundelay about the wonders and horrors of looking for someone to love.


The New York Times by Stephen Holden

Ultimately, A Silent Love transcends its problem-play situation to ponder how the best laid plans for an arranged marriage are no match against the vicissitudes of passion in a romantically besotted culture.

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