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Human Weapon

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Israel · 2003


A sober, in-depth examination of the complexities of the suicide bombing phenomenon.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

What are people saying?

What are critics saying?


New York Daily News by Jack Mathews

It's frightening because it's so effective in fomenting fear and because it's so easy to recruit bombers among repressed and hopeless societies.


TV Guide Magazine by Ken Fox

"There is no antidote for the human bomb," one Sri Lankan official flatly states, but Ziv's film offers a number of important insights into a phenomenon that's only gaining momentum.


New York Post by V.A. Musetto

In an attempt to understand this phenomenon, Ziv interviews leaders of terrorist groups like Hamas, failed hit men now in jail and relatives of those who died carrying out these attacks. The effect is frightening.