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A Good Year

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United States, United Kingdom · 2006
Rated PG-13 · 1h 58m
Director Ridley Scott
Starring Russell Crowe, Marion Cotillard, Albert Finney, Tom Hollander
Genre Comedy, Drama, Romance

After his uncle's death, Max Skinner inherits a vineyard in Provence where he spent many summers during his childhood. When he gets there, he meets a woman from California who claims to be his cousin and says that the vineyard actually belongs to her. An arrogant London banker, Max must deal with this unknown woman and pressures from back home.

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Village Voice by

Scott can do mayhem, dystopia, and the rampaging alien (extraterrestrial, android, Somali, Demi Moore) with the best of them, but the breezy touch is not his forte.


Empire by Dan Jolin

The Merlot to "Sideways" Pinot, this is one of those middling movies that, while never terrible, also never really impresses.


ReelViews by James Berardinelli

Gorgeous photography and strong acting keep the formula from becoming stale. For those who don't mind pictures that fall into predictable rhythms, A Good Year represents a pleasant diversion.


The Hollywood Reporter by Kirk Honeycutt

You sense in every frame the strain to be lighthearted. Consequently, A Good Year is at times downright clumsy. You know what the filmmakers are trying to achieve and see the labor going into the attempt, but for them to fall so short is unsettling.


Austin Chronicle by Marc Savlov

If nothing else, this adaptation of Peter Mayle's umpteenth ode to livin' la vie en Provence will make you wonder about Ridley Scott and the directorial aging process.


Time by Richard Corliss

Crowe, despite his loutish rep, is forever surprising viewers by slipping snugly into the disparate characters he plays. This time he surprises by failing. Oh, he can do engaging as smartly as he does stalwart or tortured, but he gets sabotaged by the cloying script.


Variety by Todd McCarthy

A simple repast consisting of sometimes strained slapsticky comedy, a sweet romance and a life lesson learned, this little picnic doesn't amount to much but goes down easily enough.

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