Your Company

What Makes Women Laugh?(¿De qué se ríen las mujeres?)

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Spain · 1997
1h 49m
Director Joaquín Oristrell
Starring Verónica Forqué, Candela Peña, Adriana Ozores, Jorge Sanz
Genre Comedy, Romance

Luci (Verónica Forqué), Graci (Candela Peña) and Mar­ (Adriana Ozores), three sisters that make a comedy trio, go to the wedding of their father with a woman who is 45 years younger than him. During the feast Luci's husband dies in an accident. Despite the tragedy, the trio have to fulfill their commitment acting during August in Benidorm. The widow discovers thanks to a notebook that her husband cheated on her, so she decides to flirt with everyone.

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