Your Company

March of the Slav(Марш славянки)

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Russia · 2002
1h 40m
Director Natalya Pyankova
Starring Marina Yakovleva, Galina Bokashevskaya, Oleg Khusainov, Ilya Narodova
Genre Drama

When a son from Chechnya calls his mother in Moscow and says that everything is fine with him, his mother abandons everything and rushes to find him. Svetlana feels that her Sasha is in trouble - you cannot fool her mother’s heart. Meanwhile, a forty-year-old woman who could not save her son from drugs was saved and warmed from the burning wounds of Chechen captivity by a runaway soldier ... Svetlana will do everything to hide her Sasha from this woman, someone else's misfortune and everyone who is next to him. But they will not give it to anyone - they have their own scores and their dreams with him ...

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