Your Company

Struggle on the Nile(صراع في النيل)

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Egypt · 1959
2h 5m
Director Atef Salem
Starring Omar Sharif, Hind Rostom, Rushdy Abaza, Hassan Hamed
Genre Romance, Drama

Naïve young Muhasab is asked to accompany his more dependable friend, Mujahed, on a voyage up the Nile to Cairo. Once there, they will sell their boat, the "Bride of the Nile," in order to buy a barge that will make their village elders more competitive in business and trade. But a ruthless business rival is determined to see that the men never reach Cairo. Matters become even more complicated when Nargis, a scheming carnival dancer, is discovered hiding out in the cargo hold of the "Bride of the Nile."

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