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Looking Back(Ohlédnutí)

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Czechoslovakia · 1969
1h 33m
Director Antonín Máša
Starring Jiřina Třebická, Petr Čepek, Věra Galatíková, Táňa Fischerová
Genre Drama

Young script-writer Frantisek (Petr Cepek) is hired to write a film script based on the successful novel Looking Back. He meets with the novel's female author, a University professor and writer named Olga Machová (Jirina Trebická), approximately ten-years-older than him. In the beginning, they do not understand each other at all. Frantisek is a skeptic experiencing a moral crisis, unsatisfied with both his work and his private life - he lives separated from his wife and has no deeper feelings for his numerous lovers. He even gets drunk from time to time and breaks the public peace. Olga is lonesome, too, but considers her life fulfilled.

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