Your Company

That Day(1 journée)

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Switzerland, France · 2007
1h 35m
Director Jacob Berger
Starring Bruno Todeschini, Natacha Régnier, Noémie Kocher, Zinedine Soualem
Genre Drama

Jacob Berger’s film shows a day in the life of a family. People meet and leave, and wonder, will they find themselves again? At daybreak, Serge believes he has committed a crime. Pietra realises that she has been betrayed around midday. At one o’clock 8-year-old Vlad feels lovesick for the first time. The day is spent observing, looking, avoiding and meeting each other. One day, three different perspectives: the same evening twilight, the same loneliness. And there is always the stranger who crosses their path. How will Serge, Pietra and Vlad find each other?

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