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India · 1959
2h 38m
Director Rajaram Vankudre Shantaram
Starring Mahipal, Sandhya, Keshavrao Date, Vatsala Deshmukh
Genre Drama, Romance, Music

Diwakar is a poet and loves his wife Jamuna on everything. But Jamuna does not agree that Diwakar lives out of sheer poetry in a fantasy world and the real world less and less responsible. Diwakar goes so far that he is a fantasy woman in his wife's body creates what he calls Mohini. Diwakar will soon become a recognized poet and Jamuna gives birth to a boy. Unfortunately, the happiness does not last long: Diwakar loses his job because of a critical songs against the British. Now he can no longer feed his sickly father nor his son, who is starving. All this makes Jamuna angry, but above all Diwakars growing obsession with Mohini. As Jamuna decides to live apart from Diwakar, it is destroyed internally and no longer capable of proof. Jamuna slowly realizes that she can not live without Diwakar and forgives him.

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