Your Company

The End of a Brave Man(نهاية رجل شجاع)

Syria · 1994-1994
1 seasons · Completed

Creator Hanna Mena
Starring Ayman Zeidan

Mufid the monster, the naughty teenager, did not find anyone who knew how to deal with him properly, so he did not discover anyone around him and develop the good qualities that Mufid was distinguished for. The society in which he lived, starting from the harsh father at home, to the ignorant and arrogant teacher at school, to the mukhtar who punished him for cutting off the tail of Abboud's donkey... All of these were the cause of Mufid's loss and his premature end. As a result of this treatment, Mufeed could not bear to stay even for a single minute in the farm, so he ran away and decided never to return to this farm that caused him pain and persecuted him.

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