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My Sassy Princess: Sleeping Beauty(My Sassy Princess : เจ้าหญิงนิทรา)

Thailand · 2022-2023
1 seasons · Still in production

Starring Kimmy Chermarin Cole, Thanat Lowkhunsombat, Nutchapan Paramacharenroj, Dom Hetrakul
Genre Comedy, Drama

A re-imagination of the classic tale Sleeping Beauty in modern society. Meet the new Aurora: hot, free-spirited and daring. She journeys with confidence, knowing that—no matter what— her prince on a white horse will always come to save her if she falls. Only this time, she falls too hard; she becomes "Sleeping Beauty". This time, there is no one to save her.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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