Hard Love Mission(ภารกิจโหดเปลี่ยนเป็นโหมดรัก)
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Thailand · 2022-2022
1 seasons · Completed
Starring Tonliew Ruttasart Chimkul, Jinjutha Siripheng, Nut Nattapong Prompinit
Genre Drama
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Yoshi (Ton Liu Methaphat) and Ampre (Jaja Jinjuta) were assigned the task of interviewing the superstar Putter (Peet Chakrabongse). The two traveled to Koh Samet for an interview, but suddenly Yoshi pushed to become a temporary personal manager for the putter You also have to keep an eye on Vivi (Chompoo Sasi) not to be near the putter for fear of news coming up. There are still a lot of tasks Yoshi has to do for this interview.
We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.