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Finland · 0

Genre Comedy

SF-Studio is a Finnish quiz show hosted by Simo Frangén. It replaced Frangén's earlier show Maailman ympäri in 2004. Like Maailman ympäri, SF-Studio is a themed show. This time the theme is news. The questions concern people and events in recent news, and a short parody of a news report appears between each round. Also like Maailman ympäri, SF-Studio has four contestants, two of which are men and two women, and two are celebrities and two ordinary people. SF-Studio has one main prize: a holiday trip. Where the trip is located depends on the choices in the fourth and final round. There are five different options, starting from a cheap trip inside Finland, and getting progressively more expensive and further away, with the best option being a trip to some famous sunny beach holiday resort near the Equator. Smaller prizes are recently published Finnish books, all autographed by some Finnish celebrity who has nothing whatsoever to do with either the book or its author.

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