Your Company

Gentlemen and Players

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United Kingdom · 1988-1989
2 seasons · Still in production
Starring Faith Brook, Claire Oberman, Nicholas Clay, Edita Brychta

Gentlemen and Players is a British television series produced by TVS Television for the ITV network. An aspirational late 1980s drama series, Gentlemen and Players dealt with the struggles and intrigues involving two business rivals, Bo Beaufort and Mike Savage. Two series were made between 1988 and 1989, comprising 13 episodes in total. ⁕Bo Beaufort - Brian Protheroe ⁕Mike Savage - Nicholas Clay ⁕Sandy Savage - Claire Oberman ⁕Jane Somerville - Edita Brychta ⁕Eleanor Beaufort - Faith Brook ⁕Paula Savage - Debra Beaumont

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