Your Company

This World: Bannatyne Takes on Big Tobacco

United Kingdom · 2008-2008
1 seasons · Completed
Starring Duncan Bannatyne
Genre Documentary

This World travels to Africa with Duncan Bannatyne to find out why a rising number of children there are smoking. In Malawi, Nigeria and Mauritius - countries where the number of smoking-related deaths is expected to double in the next 20 years - we report on smoking and the sale of cigarettes. This is an emotional journey for Bannatyne, who is himself an ex-smoker. Along the way he meets children as young as 11 who are not only smoking 10 cigarettes a day, but also trying to make a living selling them. The programme also uncovers evidence of extraordinary marketing tactics used by a British-based cigarette company and investigates claims that it is encouraging young people to smoke. This World then heads back to London to confront the company.

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