Your Company

Women Without Men(Donne senza uomini)

Italy · 2021
Director Luca Grazioli
Starring Riccardo Festa, Valentina Apostoli, Simone Baldassari, Giulia Civini
Genre Drama

Italy 1965. Marcello, a middle-class man, decides to spend the night with a prostitute. He gets in touch with a luxurious brothel managed by a very strict owner with draconian rules. Among multiple women introduced to him he chooses Bice, a young woman in her early twenties. After their sexual intercourse the bedroom’s phone rings. On the other side of the line there’s Vittorio, Bice’s ex-client. Vittorio is no longer welcome in the brothel because of an argument he had with the owner. However, obsessed with the young lady Vittorio continuously calls her throughout the night, and his action inevitably lead him to discuss with Marcello. The result is a heated argument in which both men, to have full supremacy over the woman, verbally fight on the phone.

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