Your Company

The Swamp Wader(Purva bridējs)

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Latvia, Soviet Union · 1966
1h 21m
Director Leonīds Leimanis
Starring Vija Artmane, Uldis Pūcītis, Olga Dreģe, Eduards Pavuls
Genre Drama

In this film, set in Latvia in the late 19th century, Edgars, the coachman of Alaine Manor, loves Kristine, the washerwoman's daughter, although he is too hot-headed for Kristine's mother to consider him a good suitor for his daughter. The servant Viskrelis and stable boy Sutka try to tempt Edgars to a life of drinking and a relationship with the barmaid Matilde. Meanwhile, Kristine is courted by the rich land owner, Akmentins.

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