Your Company


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India · 1975
Rated R · 1h 55m
Director Hrishikesh Mukherjee
Starring Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, Ashok Kumar, Usha Kiran
Genre Romance, Drama

Shekhar Dayal (Amitabh Bachhan) has moved into a new neighborhood, and is unhappy with the new surroundings. He resents the noise children make while playing, as he prefers quiet and solitude. His reclusion is shattered when his neighbor, Mili, comes into his life. At first he hates the intrusion, but then grows fond, and ultimately falls in love with her. When the time comes for him to propose to this sunny, cheerful, and positive young lady, he learns that she has only a few more months to live..

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