Your Company


· 2021
Director Stefan Ruitenbeek, Kate Sinha
Starring Tarik Sadouma, Jini van Rooijen, Kate Sinha, Stefan Ruitenbeek

In this film, you will witness the unlikely endeavour of right-wing conservative Sid Lukassen who chivalrously tries to win the heart of lefty student Jini. When he enters her boudoir in Zandvoort, he gets caught up in a literary, enchanting and unpredictable world, in which Jini starts to undress him, surrounded by classical music and grapes. While Sid tries his best to connect to Jini, he realises that the woman has set him up for humiliation. How will Sid save himself from this situation? Will he, despite everything, find love?

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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