Your Company

The Walten Files 2 - Relocate Project

· 2020
Director Martin Walls

Tape 2: "This is another Compilation of Tapes from Bunny Smiles Incorporated, I was able of Contacting people Via forums and Threads that have some Infomation of The Company. These tapes revolve around some 'Relocation Project' that was being executed during the late 1970s (1978), A B.S.I. Ex-employee mentioned that these tapes were really Private and only a few people had a copy of them, once the company vanished during the Early 80s (1983) all tapes regarding the Project were Banned and Destroyed, These are Super rare and I'm really lucky to have them. As to me, i'm doing fine, just staying home hoping covid doesnt fuck me over, take care!" -Anthony

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