Your Company

Behind the Walls

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Turkey · 2011
Director Jihun Ahn
Starring Penelope Electra, Shiloh Silverman
Genre Drama

A white man traveling in a foreign country enters an elevator and meets a middle-east woman in niqab. The man estranged by the presence of the niqab in a closed space observes the woman with curious eyes. The elevator stops all of a sudden and there is no sign of help. The man offers water and the woman in a niqab drinks a sip disclosing her face behind the niqab. After a while, another crash of the elevator makes the mirror break and the man is badly cut by the broken mirror. The woman unties her niqab decidedly to help the man stop bleeding. At the very moment come the people to rescue the two.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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