Your Company

René O.

· 2008
Director Thomas Bauer
Starring Rene Orduña

First, we see him take the road, then, for a long time, drive to a hypermarket far from the city center to do his shopping. Back at his restaurant, sitting at a table, he starts talking, facing the camera. Who is he? René Orduña. Neither hero nor victim, Rene is only a witness of his own existence during the 70s and 80s in the United States. A period of nomadism, geographical and amorous, whose only reference points were festive, this is what he evokes, without regret or nostalgia: the hypothesis of joy. And the film makes room for this word, playing with colors and sounds as cushions where it can be properly seated.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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