Your Company


Philippines · 2019
Director Eli Razo
Starring Shim Dagatan, Joan Flores, Sammy Pacilan
Genre Drama

After being released from hospital, James, a successful engineer, is preparing a dinner for his parents' visitation at his apartment. He is cooking pasta with red sauce and Dinuguan. His parents arrive at his apartment. At the dinner, he gave a medical certificate to his parents and reveals his HIV positive status. His parents accepted him right away and with hope that he could be cured from the disease. The scene is rewind right at the moment that his parents arrive at his apartment. During dinner, he gives a medical certificate to his parents and reveals that he is positive with HIV His parents could not accept him and feel ashamed of his disease. The scene is rewind for the third time. As the moment his parents ring the doorbell, James did not open the door. Instead, he walks to the dinner table and starts eating the medical certificate with Dinuguan and pasta on his plate. After eating, he walks to the door to open it.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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