Your Company

Éramos Invisibles

Honduras · 0
1h 24m
Director Ana Laura Pereira
Genre Documentary

Honduras suffered a severe blow on June 28, when its president was kidnapped and forced into exile. Implementing a government, the church, the army and the oligarchy took over the institutionality. From that day on, the people of Honduras took to the streets, raising the country up in struggle. Taking over the streets, with fists and raised voices, with thousands of kilometers traveled, with roads blocked throughout the country and hundreds of combative actions, the Honduran people do not give up. Éramos Invisibles, it is the story of a people that had been made invisible and subjected to alienation and capitalist globalization. With the government of President Manuel Zelaya, he was breaking that gag, increasing his democratic rights in the process of creating a new constitution and refounding the country, towards a more participatory and inclusive system.

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