Your Company

Siti Noerbaja

Indonesia · 1941

Director Lie Tek Swie
Starring Asmanah, Momo, Soerjono, A Thys
Genre Drama

In Padang, childhood friends Samsoelbahri and Siti Noerbaja fall in love and kiss on the veranda, but are soon parted by their parents. Samsoelbahri goes to Batavia to study, while Noerbaja must marry the contemptuous Datuk Meringgih so that he will forgive her father's debts. Writing to Samsoelbahri, Noerbaja tells him that they can never be together as she has married. However, when she realises Merringih's violent nature she runs away to Batavia to join Samsoelbahri. They fall in love again, but must part after Noerbaja hears of her father's death. She hurries back to Padang, where Meringgih's men kill her with poisoned food. Receiving news of her death by letter, Samsu seemingly commits suicide.

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