Your Company

The Boys of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn(Brooklynin pojat)

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Finland · 2014
1h 9m
Director Mervi Enqvist
Starring Amrit Singh Khalsa, Mervi Enqvist, Kuldip Singh Khalsa, Rich McGinty
Genre Documentary

The Boys of Bensonhurst, Brooklyn is a story of fathers and sons in three generations, their life choices and the consequences that follow. Grandfather, an ex-mobster, father, an ex-gangsta wannabe - now a turban wearing Sikh, and a hot tempered boy who lives across the ocean with his mom. After noticing her son's lack on interest towards his father, mother and son travel to New York to face the situation. After blaming her ex-husband for years she finally discovers the hidden reason why he is incapable of being present in their son's everyday life.

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