Your Company


· 2021
Director Shauna Davis
Starring Shauna Davis, Chani Bell, Chawnta' Marie Van, Emara Neymour-Jackson

Using movement as a force, BLACK.ECO is a dance film that dives into the many worlds that exist within a Black woman. We open on a self-assured and poetic guide, whose sculptural hair is adorned in constellations. With her invitation, we dive into four ecosystems that reside within her, each with distinct movement, casting, color and sound worlds exploring four forms of Black joy. We return to our guide one final time to find her transformed. Touching on the divinity of the body, sisterhood, and being, BLACK.ECO invites us to experience Black fantasy as a shiny vehicle for transcendence.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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