Your Company


· 2020
Director Ash Moniz

Joules is a project based around the court testimony from Elizabeth Forrester (a witness in the 1798 Wapping Coal Riots in London) who claimed that a police officer shot two people with one bullet (one rioter and one police officer). This moment took place within the opening of the Thames River police unit (known as the advent of preventive policing), a department of a shipping company (West India Committee) commissioned to prevent loss in their inventory. The film performs a motion-study of the "double-shot" that Forrester witnessed, through studying the motion of property title, as a trajectory of exchange. The physics of "Work" (Force x Distance), frames the historical moment in which a wage per time unit was introduced by the Thames River Police, to replace the dock-workers' traditional wage system.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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