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The 1,001 Faces of Palmyra

France · 2020
1h 30m
Director Meyar Al Roumi
Genre History, Documentary

For the first time archaeologists from around the world come together in search of funerary sculpted portraits of Palmyra disseminated around the world to recount the story of the ancient city in a way that has never been done before: through the faces of the city’s inhabitants. The exploration of the inner secrets of these sculptures retraces the origin of the city’s commercial success, its unique language and specific writing, its environment that mixes Eastern and Western influences gradually revealing the city’s multiculturalism and the fascination aroused by the city throughout the centuries, which gave rise to so many myths so many legends, and an exceptional artistic expansion. Palmyra is one of the rare examples of the global integration of the history of humanity.

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