Your Company

Arkusan Martinsson

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Sweden · 2009
1h 0m
Director Jimmy Johansson
Starring Patrik Lindström, Zacharias Malm, Erik Rydberg, Henrik Sjöman
Genre Comedy, Drama

Arkusan is 23 years old, unemployed and still living with his mother. Nothing by choice. Not even hanging out with his "best friend" Ronkas is by choice. Being unemployed means being broke, so the only way to get by for Arkusan is to drift around his small hometown Brunkaby in Sweden and indulge in conversations about dreams, depression and masturbation with his fellow under financed com padres. During one boring, Gray day Arkusan summarizes his thoughts, views and opinions about his friends, his future prospects and living today's Sweden.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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