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The Scenery of Ghibli - Visiting Japan Drawn by Isao Takahata(ジブリの風景 ~高畑勲が描いた“日本”を訪ねて~)

Japan · 2014
1h 59m
Director Juichi Sato
Starring Aki Asakura, Isao Takahata
Genre Documentary

Aki Asakura, an actress who played the voice of Princess Kaguya, travels around Japan to visit the scenery that appeared in Takahata's work. The documentary also includes an interview with Director Takahata. This documentary is composed from the fragments of a program, aired by «BS Nittele» TV station on the 1st of January 2014, dedicated to the release of «The Tale of Princess Kaguya».

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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