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Butcher’s Crossing

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United States · 0

Director Gabe Polsky
Starring Nicolas Cage

Butcher’s Crossing is an adventure adapted from John Williams’ seminal 1960 novel about the rugged frontier of the American West.

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The Playlist by Andrew Crump

Butcher’s Crossing is a gorgeous travelog. It’s also a warning about what happens when people fail to tread lightly in the natural world, both as a consequence of nature and themselves.


Slashfilm by Chris Evangelista

Butcher's Crossing makes a lot of little, stretching its small budget to the extreme to create a nightmarish saga of violent men who seem convinced of their own superiority over everything, especially the land.


IndieWire by David Ehrlich

There’s some fun to be had in the Brando-like flickers of Cage’s performance, but Polsky’s film is too practical and logic-driven to indulge them.


Screen Daily by Tim Grierson

Despite Nicolas Cage’s committed performance as the imposing, hardheaded leader of the expedition, this mournful yarn can’t quite transcend what’s familiar about its study of masculinity and the unforgiving spirit of the natural world.


TheWrap by William Bibbiani

Polsky’s film digs into the rot in his characters’ psyches for a time but gradually climbs back out again, perhaps in an attempt to put their madness in a larger context social context. But mostly the final act of the film comes across like clunky, though well-earned, moralizing.

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