The Sword of Camelot
Germany · 1998
Director Roswitha Haas
Starring Armin Drogat, Simone Greiss, Günther Henne
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A short time after young Artus was crowned king of England, he orders the best and most courageous knights of the country to the legendary castle Camelot. Together with Merlin, the most famous magician of the time, they decide to search the holy kraal, a bowl that has magic power. The black knight is also haunting the kraal. But he has to steal king Artus sword Excalibur if he wants to succeed. Because only the person who is in possession of this sword is strong enough to get the kraal. The black knight plans to kill king Artus. But he does not count on the knights of the round table, that's what the friends of king Artus call themselves. For them no adventure is too dangerous and no danger too excessive, to protect their king.
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