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Huldufólk 102

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Iceland, United States · 2006
1h 20m

Beneath the quiet veneer of Iceland lies an invisible nation of Hidden People. This fascinating phenomenon, rarely discussed with outsiders, not only pervades Icelandic culture, but also impacts its infrastructure. This enlightening journey, through Iceland's celestial and mysterious environment, suspends one's state of reality-forcing you to question your own perceptual limitations and the mysteries of the natural world. Delving further into the stories of the hidden people, it is impossible not to consider the impact of the geographic position and isolation of this mysterious, celestial island of Iceland. Winter's darkness allows the dazzling and supernatural Northern Lights to pervade the country with its amorphous shapes; casting brilliant colors of yellow, pink, and green downward to the land below. Black lava rocks, green mossy rocks, geysers, volcanoes, and glaciers all play their role in this mystical landscape, where the wind, snow and light show the power of nature.

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