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The Birds Fly Together(Los pájaros vuelan de a dos)

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Colombia · 2021
Director Juan Felipe Grisales
Starring David Santiago Blandon Chica, Maria Juliana Erazo Mesa
Genre Drama

Audiovisual Communicator of the Colombian Polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid. Scriptwriter and director of several audiovisual projects, among which the documentary Barrio Cine and the fiction short films Luzy, The birds fly two, the three winners of the Creation Scholarships of the Mayor's Office of Medellín, stand out. He has produced three short films and has also edited four documentary short films. He has participated in several directing workshops with filmmakers such as Abbas Kiarostami, José Luis Guerín, Luis Ospina, Oscar Campo, Rubén Mendoza, Jacques Toulemonde and Franco Lolli. He currently directs the narrative, documentary and audiovisual montage subject of the Faculty of Audiovisual Communication of the Politecnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid.

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