Your Company

The Afternoon of a Torturer(După-amiaza unui torționar)

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France, Romania, Gabon · 2002
1h 16m
Director Lucian Pintilie
Starring Gheorghe Dinică, Radu Beligan, Ioana Ana Macaria, Coca Bloos
Genre Comedy, Drama

Frant Tandara, former torturer in Romanian communist prisons, is ready to confess his crimes to a journalist and a former victim. The two meet him at the train station in Giurgiu, where Tandara, a man with a shy demeanor, welcomes them by offering them flowers. But the confession presents problems right from the start: the tape recorder does not work, Tandara talks too fast or too slow. Frant tries to begin the tale by talking about the least significant parts of his life: his father in the military, his education, his wandering at the end of the war. The journalist tries to get him with direct questions about his career as a butcher but only gets evasive answers. Tandara's wife intervenes to ask them to stop torturing her husband, and the afternoon does not go as expected. This is a film about people's failure to let memory do its job.

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