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Shadows on the Rails(Varjoja radalla)

Finland · 2021
Director Elias Kahla
Starring Markku Viljakainen, Ismo Tuomikoski, Kauko Pärssinen, Kari Kortesniemi
Genre Documentary

Varjoja Radalla is a documentary film about surviving traumatic incidences. The film is following stories of train drivers who have all unwillingly be part of fatality caused by suicides and accidents. These fatalities are common in Finland and as often as once per week, at least one person gets killed by a locomotive. These incidences cause great deal of emotional pain and many drivers are suffering from PTSD. The film is showing how peer support and talking is helping these people to release their pain. The film is focused on one weekend in a countryside where group of train drivers are talking about their experiences and what has helped them to move on with their lives.

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